Residential Painting

Looking for a company you can trust to complete your residential painting job? You don’t have to look anymore! Pacific Specialty Painting is here to answer your questions, help you define your goals, and provide top services to complete whatever painting job you have in mind.

We use only the best quality paint, newest technology and expert painters to create a new look for your home. Update with the latest trends in home colors creating a beautiful style throughout your interior, or give the outside of your home a makeover with fresh paint that will make it look new again.

Our range of Residential Painting Services include:

Exterior Painting

Interior Painting

Single House


Orange Texture 

Graffiti Removal & Anti-Graffiti Coatings

Rails Fences

Drywall Repair

Wood Fences

Epoxy Flooring

Doors and Windows


Remove wall paper

Finishing and re-finishing Cabinets

Low-VOC Painting

Let Us Paint Your Project!

Ready for a new color? Your project need a change?